Phanatic About Reading!
Hi Families and Friends! Ms. DiGiacobbe's class participated again in the "Phanatic About Reading" program which encourages area school...
Hello! We are so proud of the Art Enrichment students! Each year, Mrs. Staab and her students participate in the Philadelphia Zoo's...
National Bike to School Day
Hello Readers! We will be celebrating National Walk and Bike to School Day on Wednesday, May 10th. 1,594 schools across the country have...
Read Across America Week
Hello Friends! Last week was SO. MUCH. FUN! It was Read Across America Week! Each year, schools around the country celebrate the love of...
PARCC Testing
Hello Families! It's that time of year again! Students in grades 3-5 will be taking the NJ State Test (PARCC) in the next few weeks. We...
100th Day!
Hello Readers! Sorry it's been a while since I've written...we've had A LOT going on the past couple of weeks! In February, we celebrated...
Mid-Year Conferences
Hello! It's that time again, families! Now that the second marking period has ended, parents and guardians are invited to schedule a...
Gingerbread and Dreidles!
Happy Holidays, Friends! Mrs. Newell's Kindergarten class has been busy learning about different holidays that are celebrated in...
National Hour of Code
Hello Readers! This week was Computer Science Week, so when the students visited Mrs. Nelson for computer class, they all learned about...
Holiday Shop
Hi Friends! The PTO will be holding their holiday shop in the library this week. Your student will be able to visit the shop during...