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Mid-Year Conferences


It's that time again, families! Now that the second marking period has ended, parents and guardians are invited to schedule a conference with our teachers.

Emails were sent out to all parents asking them to please use the Genesis Parent Portal to schedule their conference date and time. To schedule your conference, please follow these steps:

1. Visit the school website

2. Hover over the "For Parents" section, and click on "Genesis Parent Portal"

3. Enter your information, or use the "Forgot My Password" link to access your account

4. Use the "Conferences" tab at the top of the screen to see a calendar of available dates and times. If you have multiple students attending the Bean School, you will be able to use a drop down menu to switch student accounts and create conferences for each of your children.

If you have any problems logging in, please email Mrs. Adams in the front office with your child's name and your concern.

If you are unable to access the internet, please ask your child's teacher for a paper request form. Your conference will then be scheduled based on the remaining open times available.

Thank you for your support as we increase how technology allows us to operate day to day!

Your Friend,

Bean Bear

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