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Read Across America Week

Hello Friends!

Last week was SO. MUCH. FUN! It was Read Across America Week! Each year, schools around the country celebrate the love of reading the week of March 2nd. This week was chosen because March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday!

At the Bean School, we had tons of activities going on each day. The students were able to read with each other, talk about their favorite authors, meet author/illustrator Michael Rex, and even help write a school-wide story!

To kick off the week, Dr. Koczur came to read to us. The best part is, he dressed up as the Cat in the Hat! He chose a story that had been given to him by his parents when he was little, and that he had saved and read to his son. It was awesome for him to share this special book with us!

One part that everyone loved was that Dr. Koczur asked Mr. Schuster and some teachers to help tell the story by acting it out. It was so much fun to see grown-ups acting like a silly squirrel, a slow turtle, and a wise owl!

Then, we got with our reading buddies and shared some books. The older students enjoyed reading to the younger students, while the kindergarten, first, and second graders got to show off some of their reading skills to the "big kids".

Throughout the rest of the week, we had community members come read to us. Even the Pine Hill police officers stopped by to read some silly Dr. Seuss books! The mayor, Mr. Green, also read to some of our classes and answered questions about his important job in our town.

On Thursday, author/illustrator Michael Rex visited our school. He told us all about how he get ideas for his books, and how he works to put his ideas together to tell a story. One of our favorite parts was when he showed how he draws the pictures for his books. He chose a student and dressed her up. Then, he drew her on the SMART Board! It was really interesting to see how he works to sketch first, and then add details to his pictures.

Your Friend,

Bean Bear

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