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National Hour of Code

Hello Readers!

This week was Computer Science Week, so when the students visited Mrs. Nelson for computer class, they all learned about writing computer programs. Everyone participated in the Worldwide Hour of Code during their computer time. Each dot on this map is a school that participates in the Hour of Code and teaches computer programming at school, just like we do at Bean!

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During the Hour of Code, students worked to learn the basics of computer programming. Through video tutorials and hands-on learning, students were able to use the programming language Blockly to design and write programs to solve puzzles. Since this is our 4th year participating, many of the students were very comfortable with the website, and were able to try out more advanced puzzles and open-ended scenarios with their programming!

Computer Science is an ever growing field that has consistently had job openings. was founded to give students the opportunity to try out programming and experience computer science for themselves. As part of the Bean School's mission to prepare students for college and future careers, we decided that participating in this worldwide event was an absolute must!

We encourage everyone to try out computer science and have your own Hour of Code! Visit for more information!

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